
Upcoming stack deprecations

Sep 19, 2024

Stacks are not kept forever, older stacks are eventually marked for removal. You can read more about this in our stack deprecation and removal policy.

This page is an up-to-date overview of upcoming stack deprecations.

Upcoming stack deprecations #

The following table shows the currently deprecated stacks that are marked for removal.

While the stack is marked as deprecated, you can still run builds on it, but it’s recommended to migrate your workflows to a more modern stack. On the day of removal, remaining users will be migrated to the stack shown in the Automatic migration to column. If you encounter any difficulties during migration or require support, our dedicated customer support team would be happy to assist.


Xcode 16 is coming with major stack changes

Jul 17, 2024

According to our stack update policy, the release of stable Xcode 16 means we’ll be transitioning our current Edge stack (with Xcode 16 Beta) to a new Stable stack. There are some breaking changes compared to older Stable stacks, so we collected those below, grouped into categories per platform.

Existing Stable stacks (Xcode 14.x and 15.x) won’t receive these changes, only the upcoming Xcode 16.0 stack.

General changes #

macOS upgrade #

This stack is based on the latest version of macOS Sonoma (macOS 14). If migrating from the Xcode 15.2 stack or earlier, this means a major OS version upgrade for you (the Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 stacks are already based on Sonoma).


Ubuntu 22 public preview

Jan 25, 2024

The Ubuntu 22 stack is now available in public preview. This is another Linux stack recommended for Android workflows, but based on Ubuntu 22.04 instead of Ubuntu 20.04.

Besides the new OS version, the new stack has a few major changes that we long wanted to make, but we didn’t want to break workflows running on the Ubuntu 20 stack.

Something missing? Share your feedback here!

The changes are grouped into categories according to the related platforms:


About announcements

Dec 14, 2023

This category is for important upcoming changes that you should be aware of. Examples:

  • stack deprecations
  • stack removals
  • upcoming breaking changes
  • security updates