Xcode 16.0 with edge updates changelog

Xcode 16.0 with edge updates changelog

Jul 24, 2024

Bitrise stacks are updated continuously according to the stack update policy.

Check out the stack report page for a snapshot of what is currently installed.

Learn more how to get notified of updates.

Updates #

Stack update v2024-07-24 #

  • Xcode 16.0 Beta 4 replaces Beta 3.
  • Gradle, Maven and Ant are no longer installed system-wide. We recommend pinning an exact version of the build tool and using the Gradle Wrapper and Maven Wrapper features.
  • Tuist has been updated to 4.20.0
  • Homebrew package upgrades
  • Ruby upgrade: 3.3.1 -> 3.3.4

Stack update v2024-07-09 #

  • Xcode 16.0 Beta 3 replaces Beta 2.
  • To better align with modern Android Gradle Plugin versions, JDK 17 is now the default Java version. JDK 11 remains installed.
  • The preinstalled Flutter version has been upgraded to 3.22.0
  • The current LTS Android NDK (r26) is now installed. The old preinstalled NDK (r24) will be removed in the next update. You can use the Install missing Android tools step to install arbitrary NDK versions.
  • pipx, a tool to install Python executables is now installed and configured on stacks.
  • Homebrew package upgrades
  • Ionic CLI upgrade: 6.x → 7.x
  • Cordova CLI upgrade: 11.x → 12.x
  • Appcenter CLI upgrade: 2.x → 3.x
  • OpenUPM CLI upgrade: 1.x → 3.x

Stack update v2024-06-26 #

  • Xcode 16.0 Beta 2 replaces Beta 1.
  • Homebrew package upgrades
  • Default Ruby version change: 3.2 -> 3.3 (3.2 remains installed)
  • Node.js 21 has been removed as it reached its end of life

Stack update v2024-06-10 #