Xcode 16.1 with edge updates changelog

Xcode 16.1 with edge updates changelog

Sep 10, 2024

Bitrise stacks are updated continuously according to the stack update policy.

Check out the stack report page for a snapshot of what is currently installed.

Learn more how to get notified of updates.

Updates #

Stack update v2024-09-10 #

  • Homebrew package upgrades

Stack update v2024-08-26 (released on 2024-08-28) #

  • Homebrew package upgrades
  • JDK 8 is not preinstalled anymore
  • The old preinstalled Flutter version (3.7.12) has been removed. Flutter 3.22.0 remains preinstalled and is still the default.
  • Android SDK cleanups:
    • Only the latest build-tools package (35) is preinstalled. Android Gradle Plugin automatically downloads any missing build-tools packages during configuration if the project requires a different version.
    • Removed NDK 24.0.8215888 as it’s no longer the LTS release. The current LTS version (26.3.11579264) is still preinstalled.

Stack update v2024-08-21 #

  • Homebrew package upgrades

Stack update v2024-08-13 #